Welcome to Washington Presbyterian Church

Washington Presbyterian Church is an inclusive community of faith. We warmly welcome all! Whether you are new to the community, new to the faith, or just checking us out.  Maybe you’re looking for a place to belong and serve. You have a standing invitation to join us in serving God and one another.

Come join us every Sunday at 9:30 am, 105 S. Elm St., Washington

Your First Sunday at Washington Presbyterian Church

It’s always hard to be the new person, but we at Washington Presbyterian Church will try our best to make you feel at home when you visit. Stop by our Welcome Center and pick up a visitor’s gift or introduce yourself to our greeters and ushers. Fill out a visitor’s card so we can get to know you. (No obligation!) And we’d love for you to head to our East Room after services where we can chat with you over coffee and a goodie!

Before your first visit, learn more about us!

What to Wear

Before visiting Washington Presbyterian Church, you may be wondering what to wear. It’s always nice to feel like you fit in. And you will! Feel comfortable wearing your favorite jeans or come in business casual. It all works. And you may catch a glimpse of a Packers, Bears, Cubs or Cards jersey… or two!

Where to Find Us

Parking is right next to our building! Also, feel free to utilize the street to park or take advantage of our visitor parking spot. Our most-used entrance is actually our side door via the parking lot. Wheelchair-accessible parking is available and all floors are elevator accessible.


Our 60-minute service begins at 9:30 am. We sing together a blend of contemporary songs and traditional hymns, pray, greet each other and are challenged by God’s word. At no time will we single you out by asking you to stand on your own, raise your hand, announce your pet’s name or do backflips down the aisle.

Upcoming Events

January 12th – Ordination and installation of officers

January 26th – annual meeting

February 9th – Souper bowl potluck following worship

Bible Study returns Thursday January 9th at 10 am – Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical

Mindfulness group returns Thursday January 9th at 6:00 pm

Communion – 1st Sunday of the Month

Movies with Meaning/Trivia Night – 4th Tuesday of the month

Fellowship Sunday – 3rd Sunday of the month

Session Meetings – 3rd Thursday of the month